Still Looking for Me...

Life has been a struggle lately. It hasn’t been as bad as it was a year ago. I haven’t been fighting off panic attacks and losing a ton of weight to depression. But I have been incredibly overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted. That makes it challenging to do life the way it’s supposed to be done.

You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been away. I try to pop in when I can, but I’m really focusing on taking care of me right now. I have been doing a little bit of writing, so that’s been good. I enjoy being able to take the time to go into my fictional worlds and create things.

Other than that, I’ve just been taking things easy and resting when I can. I’ve also been doing a lot of soul searching and looking at my life. I’m thinking about making some changes, but I’m not really sure how to go about them.

While things change and I find my energy again, don’t forget that over the weekend I will be in Seattle for Crypticon. I’m really looking forward to that. It’s going to be a lot of fun! There’s nothing better than geeking out with others and talking horror. Maybe it will be just what I need to feel like myself again.
Pembroke Sinclair's books on Goodreads
Life After the Undead Life After the Undead
reviews: 55
ratings: 100 (avg rating 3.64)

The Appeal of Evil The Appeal of Evil (The Road to Salvation, #1)
reviews: 38
ratings: 63 (avg rating 3.54)

Wucaii Wucaii
reviews: 32
ratings: 35 (avg rating 4.11)

Death to the Undead Death to the Undead (Sequel to Life After the Undead)
reviews: 20
ratings: 39 (avg rating 4.23)

Dealing with Devils Dealing with Devils (The Road to Salvation, #2)
reviews: 22
ratings: 32 (avg rating 4.00)