Here are all my links to the short stories I've had published.
Life After the Undead was based off a dream I had. In it, the zombies were fleeing to the West to get away from humidity, which caused them to decay faster. The rest I made up. This story was also developed into a novel, then revised into my YA zombie novel.
The Dark Side of the Moon was written for a contest that was looking for lunar stories. It never made it into the anthololgy, but Sonar 4 publications picked it up instead. It was in their very last print issue.
There is No Sin (link broken) was a story I couldn't get out of my head after watching an episode of Scrubs. The episode was about death and what people see when the have a near-death experience. It bothered me to think that everyone who dies sees a light. What about bad people? This story explores what happens to those people.
The Last Temptation explores what would happen to the mother of the Antichrist.
At Wit's End was written for my mom. She went through a lot with my older brother, and this was my homage to her. She didn't have to go through murder, but I'm sure it wouldn't have hurt her feelings!
A Slightly Different Western Experience was created after sending in "Western Experience" for a funny Western anthology. The editor didn't think it was fall off your stool funny for the book, but he like the story. Since he only published speculative fiction, he asked me to add some aliens so it fit with his theme.
The Rights of the Betrayed was actually a rewrite of a story I wrote when I was an undergraduate. The assignment was to find a newspaper article that interested us and create a story about it. The article I found was about infertility and the advances the scientific community was making. I thought it would be interesting to tell the story of a woman who worked in a clinic, wanted kids, but couldn't with her husband because he believed he was sterile. The mutated gene stuff came just because I like sci fi!
Nekros Stratiotis was a story that is the precursor to my novel, "Coming from Nowhere."
The Most Important Moment in a 15-year Old Girl's Life was my first and probably only attempt at flash fiction.
The Soul Collector was a dream I had that had to be written down on paper. It is actually one of my favorite stories because I really like my main character, Rain. If I could put her in a novel, I would. I'm still working on that.
Lonely Space (link broken) was also a dream I had. After writing this, I don't think I will be putting anymore sex scenes in my stories. They're kinda difficult to write!
Western Experience was the first story I ever had published. It is based loosely on a real-life experience of my spouse.
Guiding the West was originally intended for an anthology, but they didn't want it. Luckily, Static Movement did!
Live, and Let Them Be Undead. This is part of the So Long, and Thanks for All the Brains anthology. A HUGE collection of zombie stories from an array of fabulous authors. Apparently, it won an award (I will update this when I figure out what the award was). I feel very lucky to be apart of it! One day, I'm hoping to expand it into a novel.
Anticipating Death. This story is in the Code Z: An Undead Hospital anthology. A great collection of stories that center around the hospital and what happens before the plague gets out. I had a great time writing this story. This one won't be expanded into a novel!