My Dog Ruined My Carpet

I love all three of my dogs. They are the most amazing, wonderful, unique fur babies ever. They have all the best dog qualities, including always being happy to see me, they don't talk back, and they know when I need to cuddle.

No matter how adorable or loving my dogs are, they will never be perfect. If they have one flaw, it's their uncanny ability to ruin carpet.

When I lived in Laramie, my male corgi would get bored and tear up the edge of the carpet where it met the kitchen laminate. Then, of course, there was the potty training phase.

For anyone who has ever owned a puppy, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It takes a lot of patience, some puppy pads, and numerous bottles of carpet cleaner before they finally figure out that they need to go outside.

But my dogs aren't puppies. I haven't had a puppy for over 3 years, and yet, my carpet has still been destroyed.

In my dog's defense, he was sick. Poor baby had a staph infection around his eye, so he had to go onto various medications. One of them caused him to be super thirsty, so he was drinking a lot of water. Which meant he had to pee a lot.

And by pee a lot, he apparently couldn't go more than 2 hours without going outside. You can imagine that made things difficult in the middle of the night or if I was out running errands.

To be clear, I'm not mad at my dog. He couldn't help it. And I've always hated the carpet anyway. I feel bad for my dog. He's my Old Man at 8 years old, and I'm sure he feels horrible. But, at the same time, I am a little annoyed that I have to clean up dog pee this late in the game.

Still, I wouldn't give them up for anything! And FYI: he is getting better. Aside from the peeing side effects, the medication is clearing up his infection.
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