First of all, I would like to say that I can’t believe it’s September. I’ve been waiting for school to start, but I didn’t think time would come this fast!
Speaking of school starting, my boys went back to school about 3 weeks ago. I was totally counting down the days. They needed to get back into a routine and spend some time away from one another. There was a lot of brotherly togetherness over the summer, which means a lot of fighting. A. Lot.
One week after the boys started school, I also started. I have the opportunity to teach English composition through the community college to high school students. That has been…interesting. We are still working out some kinks and issues with the website. I’m sure by the end of the semester, things will be flowing nicely.
While the schedule changes needed to happen and I’m glad school is back in session, that also means I’m behind. Throw into the mix the fact that both boys have already had stomach bugs and I got a cold, things have been challenging.
However, it’s September and things are going to go up from here. I have high hopes of this semester and the end of the year. At some point, I’m even expecting to get back to writing.