Movie Review Monday

Game Night (2018)

This movie was picked at random from the list of available rentals. I had seen at least one preview before and thought it looked funny. I was not disappointed.

This movie had the laughs. It was a great way to spend the night with the family (aside from some language, there wasn’t anything that my kids couldn’t watch—no sex, no over-the-top violence). We all shared some laughs while watching this movie, and everyone enjoyed it.

There were a few twists and surprises that I wasn’t expecting, which made the film that much better, and there were some predictable parts. It was 100 minutes long, but didn’t drag. There was even some action and adventure, so everyone was happy with the film.

If you’re looking for a fun movie with some surprises and laughs, I recommend Game Night. It’s a great movie to unwind to.

Anyone else see this film? What did you think?

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