Fran worked in the NYC Public Schools as the Reading and Writing Staff Developer for over 36 years. She has three masters Degrees and a PD in Supervision and Administration. Currently, she is a member of Who's Who of America's Teachers and Who's Who of America's Executives from Cambridge. In addition, she is the author of three children's books and a fourth that has just been published on Alzheimer's disease in order to honor her mom and help create more awareness for a cure. The title of my new Alzheimer’s book is Memories are Precious: Alzheimer’s Journey; Ruth’s story and Sharp as a Tack and Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? Fran is the author of 13 titles and completed by 14th titled A Daughter’s Promise.
She was the musical director for shows in her school and ran the school's newspaper. Fran writes reviews for authors upon request and for several other sites. You can read some of my reviews on just reviews on word press and you can listen to her radio show: Literary Viewpoints with Fran Lewis on Blog Talk Radio. Her magazine is MJ Magazine.
What works/authors have had an impact on you professionally or personally? How?
The authors that impacted my life both professionally and personally were Robert Louis Stevenson and Louisa May Alcott. I love Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde because it focuses on the use of opiates in the past and helps me understand the dangers in the present. The writing is realistic as is the storylines and the character of Mr. Hyde helps readers understand the impact of taking drugs that can change your mindset and your outlook in life. I love Little Women and the lessons about family love and loyalty that are brought out in this novel. My favorite works of all times is Gone With the Wind.
If you could be a famous person (living or dead) for a day, who would you be and why?
If I could be a famous person I would love to come back as Edgar Allan Poe whose writing mirrors that of any horror writer today but is better. His lifestyle was questionable and his story themes are dark and I would love to understand more about him so that I can use it in my horror series.
What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
If I could be a famous person I would love to come back as Edgar Allan Poe whose writing mirrors that of any horror writer today but is better. His lifestyle was questionable and his story themes are dark and I would love to understand more about him so that I can use it in my horror series.
What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
The oldest thing in my refrigerator is Swiss cheese, which is beginning to smell since it’s buried in the back of my fridge. It’s probably a month old since I have the last half-pound in foil in the front.
Dessert or no dessert? Why? If dessert, what is your fave?
I rarely indulge in dessert but when I do I keep it simple: Vanilla ice cream one scoop with a touch of whipped cream and a cherry.
What is your favorite motivational quote?
Only I can change my life
No one can do it for me: Carol Burnett
Dessert or no dessert? Why? If dessert, what is your fave?
I rarely indulge in dessert but when I do I keep it simple: Vanilla ice cream one scoop with a touch of whipped cream and a cherry.
What is your favorite motivational quote?
Only I can change my life
No one can do it for me: Carol Burnett