Last week, I had the opportunity to take my boys to the Omaha zoo. It was amazing! We had so much fun and saw so many animals I didn’t even know existed! Of course, now I can’t remember their names, but one seemed to be a combination of a squirrel, kangaroo, and mouse. There was even a squirrel that reminded me of my smallest dog. We called it the Siggy Squirrel.
We walked through a butterfly pavilion—which I had never done before—and it was super cool. There are some really beautiful butterflies out there.
There was an aquarium and an exhibit dedicated to creatures of the night. When we went through this particular exhibit, there were some pools on the floor. They didn’t have any barricades around them, but they were next to the path. My oldest was making a beeline for one of them, and I grabbed his arm before he reached it. I had no idea if there was glass over the top (it didn’t look like it), and I wasn’t going to find out the hard way if there was or wasn’t.
As we were looking into the pool, a shadow passed by on the opposite wall, looking exactly like a shark (I’m sure it was probably one of the fish swimming close to the light), but it freaked my son out a bit. I thought it was super cool.
My kids even convinced me to get on the Skyfari, and I am NOT comfortable on chair lifts. I kept a tight grip on the bar and anxiously awaited for my time to get off. The chair went over some pens, so we saw some animals, but I was focusing on not losing my mind.
I took my hand off just long enough to take this picture of us.
Zoos are both awesome and sad. It’s great to be able to experience and see animals that we might not ever see, but it’s sad that they have to be kept in cages. All in all, though, we had a great day together and created some memories. I look forward to going back.
Have you done anything exciting so far this summer? If you’re going to celebrate the 4th of July, I hope you have an awesome day and stay safe!