When Booktrope was still in business, one of the best things they did (and they did a lot!) was allow us authors to take part in a Humble Bundle.
For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a chance to get some cool stuff and help out charity. It originally started for video games, but they have expanded into the book world. It was amazing to be part of that.
Because I enjoy the premise of what Humble Bundle does, I’m going to do my own in the month of October. It will be called the Creatures in Need: Indie Authors and Bats campaign. There will be different tiers and you get to decide what you pay. The more you contribute, the more cool things you get, including signed paperbacks and a t-shirt. Half the money will go to indie authors and half will go to bats, specifically Bat Conservation International.
Why bats, you ask? Well, for a variety of reasons. First of all, it’s October, the holiest of horror months, and bats seem to be a good fit, especially for a horror author. They are also amazing creatures that do a lot for the world, including getting rid of insects and pollinating flowers, but they are very misunderstood and often villainized.
On a personal level, I picked bats because I have an unnatural fear of them. I am fully aware that my fear is unnatural, so I’m doing what I can to overcome it. This is a step in that direction.
I really hope that you will join me in my campaign and supporting creatures in need. If there are any authors or artists that would also like to get involved, shoot me a message using either the contact form on the side or through email at pembrokesinclair at hotmail.com.