Last week, I was in a dark place. The news of Booktrope closing hit me really hard. As you can tell from the previous blog post, I was contemplating whether or not I wanted to continue writing. Since then, I’ve had some time to think and figure things out…sort of.
I’ve decided that my books that are already available (Life After the Undead, Death to the Undead, The Appeal of Evil, Dealing with Devils, and Good Intentions) will be self-published. Since everything is already done for them (editing and covers), it will be easy to transfer them over to my name. Wucaii, which had been edited and was just awaiting a cover, will still come out on June 6. This will also be self-published.
The only book whose fate hangs in the balance is Undead Obsessed. As of now, I’m not planning on self-publishing it. There are some questions I have about the photos on the inside of the book that have to be answered before I decide what happens to it.
As for the future, I have no idea what it will bring. I’ve made some strides to get back into publishing, such as sending an author application to Books of the Dead Press and I was asked to participate in a Twitter pitch tomorrow called #PitDark. Both of these are for my latest young adult zombie novel called Humanity’s Hope.
I’m trying to stay optimistic, but I’m also having a hard time focusing on the positive. One day I’m sure I’ll get over this disappointment and heartache, but it’s going to take some time. Perhaps a little more time off from writing will help.