I often think about how I would answer the question: what is my favorite zombie movie? And I often find myself unable to come up with anything. I like so many of them for so many different reasons, it’s hard to point to just one. There are several that have made an impact on me, so I’ll talk about those.
First and foremost is Night of the Living Dead. Amazing movie. I saw it when I was in junior high (which was not when the film first came out), and it made an impact on me. This is the film that started my obsession with the undead.
World War Z influenced me to write my nonfiction zombie book. Such a great movie!
28 Days Later introduced the world to the fast zombie and changed how we view the genre. It scared me and made me rethink zombies.
Maggie was incredibly emotional and human. It was a zombie film with very few zombies, but it was heartfelt and amazing. Since my goal in my zombie books is to explore what it means to be human, this film really made me look and think deeper about the undead.
Day of the Dead ranks really high on my list. It was the first film I watched that showed that zombies can evolve and relearn things from their human lives. It still fascinates me!
Then, there are all the fun zombie movies (which, really, is all of them). The ones I watch just for the carnage and to escape for a while. Those include Doom, Land of the Dead, the remake of Dawn of the Dead, and practically every other zombie film out there.
What is your favorite zombie film?