
This week it became clear that Undead Obsessed wasn't going to be picked up by an agent.  The revelation was bittersweet.  Of course I would have loved to get a agent, but it wasn't meant to be.  But don't fret.  All is not lost.  The book will still see it's way into the world.

I'm currently in discussions with a publisher.  They will more than likely take it, but some details about photos in the book need to be worked out.  I have confidence that it will work out.  As usual, I will keep you informed of progress.

Other than that, I've been booking library visits to give my various presentations.  I have one next week, then two in October.  I'm also doing a program called Ignite Laramie, and I'm hoping to be part of the Cheyenne Zombie Fest.  So many fun things coming up in the near future!

On top of that, I finished the first draft of Dealing with Devils.  It's the sequel to The Appeal of Evil.  It still needs a lot of work, but at least I have something to work with.  It felt good to get that accomplished.  For a while there, I didn't think I would get it done at all!

It's been a productive week, and I'm feeling energized and inspired.  It feels great!
Pembroke Sinclair's books on Goodreads
Life After the Undead Life After the Undead
reviews: 55
ratings: 100 (avg rating 3.64)

The Appeal of Evil The Appeal of Evil (The Road to Salvation, #1)
reviews: 38
ratings: 63 (avg rating 3.54)

Wucaii Wucaii
reviews: 32
ratings: 35 (avg rating 4.11)

Death to the Undead Death to the Undead (Sequel to Life After the Undead)
reviews: 20
ratings: 39 (avg rating 4.23)

Dealing with Devils Dealing with Devils (The Road to Salvation, #2)
reviews: 22
ratings: 32 (avg rating 4.00)