I'm spending the weekend refining and perfecting my presentation for the Wyoming Humanities Forum, which is sponsored by the Wyoming Humanities Council. I am doing a section from my nonfiction book, Life Lessons from Slasher Films, on Women and Horror. Basically, I am looking at how women have been portrayed in horror films and how slasher films changed their roles from victims to heroes.
When I first received acceptance of my proposal, I was told not to expect too many requests for my presentation. It was different from what the Forum generally offers. She was being honest, which I appreciate--no sense having false expectations--but I wasn't swayed. Yes, different can be bad, but it can also be good. Maybe people are looking for different. Maybe they want something outside of what is normally offered. There's only one way to find out. If I don't take the chance, I'll never know.
I don't usually shy away from challenging situations, especially when it comes to my writing. It's all about risk. I've done readings before where no one has shown up. It sucks, yeah, but that just means in the future when the room is packed full of readers, I can look back at those times and laugh.
I have to start somewhere. I have to make an effort. I'm on the Forum list for 2 years. If I only get one presentation in that time, it'll be worth it. If I don't get any, so be it. My name is still on the website. The only thing I can do is put myself out there and hope for the best. I can keep my expectations low, but I still have expectations.