Movie Review Monday

Black Panther (2018)

For a long time, I’ve claimed to be a DC fan. It would take a lot for me to watch a Marvel movie, although I would do it grudgingly. However, after the string of successful films Marvel has put out, I’m debating whether I should be a bit more flexible in my fandom.

Don’t get me wrong: I’ll always be a huge Batman fan, but the heroes of Marvel are finding a way into my heart.

The boys and I have wanted to see Black Panther since the trailers came out. It’s pretty difficult for us to make it to the theater, so we waited (and waited and waited) for it to be available to rent. I think the greatest compliment a movie can receive from my kids is that they re-enact it after it’s over—and that’s exactly what they did after watching this film.

I’m fully aware of the controversies with this film. That’s why I believe we needed this movie. It’s not shy about talking about the issues. It offers a hero and some really strong and smart female characters. It doesn’t apologize for what it is and what it does—and it shouldn’t. It offers a leader that everyone can look up to. It offers the chance of inclusion and starts a dialogue.

I loved this movie for everything it does (including raising social issues) and the hope it inspires. I’m a huge fan of flawed superheroes, those who really want to do what is right but struggle to find that path, and Black Panther falls right into that realm. No one is perfect, and figuring out what is right is challenging, but we all have the power to step up and do our part. Even superheroes with their inhuman powers and strength stumble and fall, and that’s makes them human.

The boys really enjoyed this movie too. Even weeks later, my oldest comments about how much he enjoyed this film. I think it will be one to add to our collection.
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