I need a new outlook on life. The past several months have been incredibly stressful and depressing, and they are taking a toll. I really noticed it over the weekend.
I try to stay positive on a daily basis, focusing on the things that make the day great instead of what makes it terrible. But that’s been tough, and I find myself being incredibly angry and disappointed more often than I probably should be.
I used to live my life like that back in the day, but I’ve been trying really hard to make a conscious effort to be happy. It’s not always easy, and the world keeps throwing me curve balls, but something has to change. It’s exhausting being angry all the time. And I’m sure my boys would really appreciate it if I stopped yelling.
Aside from trying to focus on the positive, I’m not really sure what else to do to change my outlook. What are some things you do to get you through stressful/depressing time?