Ms. Phoenix is a lifelong resident of Las Vegas, Nevada. She serves on the board of the Las Vegas Romance Writers and is also a member of the Kiss of Death and Women’s Fiction chapters of Romance Writers of America.
In her spare time she enjoys hiking, camping and photography and is pursuing a Bachelor’s in Psychology. She is also a member of the Vegas Artists Guild as a photographer. Prior to writing, Kay was a Graphic Artist for 15 years in the casino industry.
Kay writes in the contemporary and paranormal romance categories, as well as non-fiction articles. Please visit her website at
Lauren Madison’s life started unraveling at a speed too fast for her to keep up with. Every truth she had taken for granted was torn away, and the pieces that were left painted no clear pictures at all…only more confusion.
The only pillar of strength in her fragile life was David Wagner, her bodyguard who was placed in witness protection. But, what had he seen that day, and why couldn’t she remember?
She had no choice but to run. And if her life was threatened again, who would be there to protect her?
Available at Amazon
Q) What inspired you to write this story?
“Borealis Ardor” was inspired by the characters. I feel that the two main characters, Lauren and David, have a bit of everyone in them. The story is written from Lauren’s point of view, but I feel that David’s character shines through as well. I like these two people, and their interactions. It’s almost as if I could throw them into any situation, any time period or any story to see how they’d react.
Q) How long did it take you to write?
When I first started writing in earnest, about 6 years ago, I began writing a very long, epic, sweeping, drippy, soggy, happy, sad, dramatic, comedic, adventure across all 7 continents. Basically, this first writing attempt of mine will never see the light of day! It was a learning experience, and from it I gleaned my two main characters, Lauren and David. So, in answer, it took 5 years to develop and get to know my characters and about 3 months to write this particular adventure of theirs.
Q) What is your favorite thing about writing?
(evil maniacal laughter) Oh, is this is a trick question? My favorite part has to be the freedom. It’s my story; I’m completely free to do whatever I want to these poor little people. I love the plot twists, the moments when your plot takes a detour down a dark alley that you weren’t planning for.
Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing?
ME! Actually, I’m my own least favorite thing about writing because I’m such a perfectionist. I get in my own way all of the time.
Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?
I’ve never actually thought of this, but perhaps I would be Oprah. Her book selections tend to make the top of the best seller lists, so if I got to be her for a day, I would pick my books and my friend’s books to be on her “lists”. Then, the next day, when she’s back to being Oprah and I’m back to being me, she’ll have to trust her own handwriting and go along with it.
Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
(I wonder how many people just know this off the top of their head and don’t have to go look?) Antelope sausage from 2005! In explanation: I currently have a roommate who is a bow hunter, and this item belongs to her. She claims that it is still well preserved in the wrapper. But, if she cooks it, I’m steering clear!
Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
If they like my voice, they can expect more of it in the future. I have several full-length manuscripts I’m currently perfecting for submission in the contemporary and paranormal romance categories. If all goes well with my master plan, you’ll see me on the NY Times Top 10 list in a few years (cue evil maniacal laughter again). But, seriously folks, I’m trying my hardest to give you some quality entertainment with romance so hot it will knock your socks off (and your panties)!
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