Fading Light by Angela Dennis‏

Angela Dennis lives outside Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, son and a sheltie with a hero complex. When she is not at her computer crafting stories, she can be found feeding her coffee addiction, playing peek-a-boo, or teaching her son about the great adventures found only in books.

You can visit Angela at her blog www.angeladennisauthor.blogspot.com or at her website www.angeladennisauthor.com

She loves to hear from her readers, so find her on Twitter for a chat @angeladennis


Her hundred-year penance lifted, Shadow Bearer Brenna Baudouin returns to the Earthly plane with her partner, Gray Warlow, to keep the peace between humans and supernatural creatures—and to prevent another apocalyptic war from happening.

The attraction between them is nearing a critical point, but their checkered history has left Brenna unable to trust either her heart or her instincts.

It’s chaotic business as usual until humans begin turning to statues of dust. There is no explanation, no sign of magical foul play or a biological toxin. The humans are convinced it’s the work of a deviant supernatural faction, twisting the knife in the already tense relationship between their species. Brenna and Gray agree—the deaths have a former comrade-turned-rogue stamped all over them.

In a race against time, they enlist the help of both friend and foe to save the human race and stop the impending civil war. Along the way, they are forced to come to terms with their past and decide, once and for all, whether they will come together or fall apart.

Warning: Contains a heroine who knows her weapons but not her own heart, an outbreak of supernatural proportions, copious bloodletting, and a race to save an endangered species—humans. All tied up in a tight bow of sexual tension.

Available at Amazon BN Kobo iTunes Google Play

Q) What inspired you to write this story?
Fading Light is the second book in the Shadow Born Series. I really wanted to do something different with this one. I brainstormed for a long time, trying to come up with a situation that would raise the stakes for all the characters, and allow the readers to see how they react under immense pressure. My hope is that Fading Light will leave you with a deeper connection, not just to the characters, but to the crisis they’re facing.

Q) How long did it take you to write?
The first draft took about two months. The edits took quite a bit longer.

Q) What is your favorite thing about writing?
Writing lets me tell the stories that are constantly streaming through my head (sounds crazy doesn’t it?). I love everything about the creative process, from beginning to end (even editing).

Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing?
Saying goodbye to a manuscript and calling it done. It always seems like there is something more that needs changed, or another scene that needs to be written.

Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?
I never know how to answer this question. Right now, I’d love to be Diana Gabaldon, so I could visit the set of Outlander. How awesome would that be?

Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
I have a toddler, so that’s a really dangerous questions. Right now, it’s some leftover pasta I made last week. Nothing too nasty.

Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
The next book in the Shadow Born Series, Piercing the Darkness, will be coming out next Spring, as well as the paperback version of Shadows of Fate. I also have a secret project I’m really excited about.

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