Silver Wolf Clan by Tera Shanley

Tera Shanley writes in sub-genres that stretch from Paranormal Romance, to Historic Western Romance, to Apocalyptic (zombie) Romance. The common theme? She loves love. A self-proclaimed bookworm, she was raised in small town Texas and could often be found decorating a table at the local library. She currently lives in Dallas with her husband and two young children and when she isn’t busy running around after her family, she’s writing a new story or devouring a good book. Any spare time is dedicated to chocolate licking, rifle slinging, friend hugging, and the great outdoors.

For more information about Tera and her work, visit


What happens when monsters turn out to be real? One summer night while camping in the woods, Morgan Carter finds out in a big way. A tall mysterious stranger, Greyson Crawford, risks his life to try and save her sister from the vicious wolf attacking their camp. When he’s bitten and disappears into the night, Morgan can only assume the worst.

Greyson shows up a year later, and he’s a different animal altogether. His eye color shifts constantly and the rumble in his throat sounds more animal than human. She hasn’t any idea where he’s been all this time, but a good guess as to what he’s become.

Grey is determined not to let the darkness of his new existence affect Morgan and the little girl in her care. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about Morgan but knows he should stay away and let her live a normal life. That’s easier said than done, though. A new danger pulls him from the shadows to keep her safe, and he’s no wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Can she accept what lurks just below his surface? More importantly, can she survive him?

Book Trailer
Kensington Books

Q) What inspired you to write this story?
My love of reading Shifter Romances inspired this series. I adore them. Each author’s take on the lore and shifter culture is so different and I love it all. The transition from being an avid paranormal romance reader to writer was natural.

Q) How long did it take you to write?
It took me about eight weeks to write the first draft. It began as a giant book and I was relentless about getting the story down on paper. It’s gone through several drafts and was split into novellas along the way, but yep, two months and it was completed.

Q) What is your favorite thing about writing?
Getting lost in a story and getting to know my characters. It’s so cool to have these personalities come to life. Sometimes you know exact reasons for their reactions, and sometimes you don’t understand them at all and spend hours trying to figure them out, but that’s the beauty of it.

Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing?
Writing a synopsis for submission. It’s so hard and I’ve done it twenty times and it still doesn’t get any easier. It’s part of the submission process I dread and save until last. Before I had an agent, when I would submit to publishers, they each have their own guidelines on how to submit, so sometimes I’d need a few paragraphs, or one page or two. So usually, I’d have to write several summaries for each manuscript. Now, thankfully, I just have to write two page summaries for my agent and she works her magic.

Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?
Whoever Charlie Hunnam is dating. I’d be that girl.

Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
A big, transparent canister of flour. I bought this batch six months ago, and I always tell myself I’ll bake more, but I never use all of my flour before it goes bad.

Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
Dystopian (Zombies!) Romance and Shifter Romance. The Silver Wolf Clan series is set to release a book every 4-6 months through Lyrical Press, and the last two books in the Dead Rapture saga are releasing starting in October from Omnific Publishing. Lots of paranormal adventures to come.

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