In Dreams... The Solitary Road by S.I. Hayes‏

I am the Co-Author to Awakenings: The Wrath Saga, a paranormal drama likened to Big Brother meets The Real World, of the Preternatural.

I'm currently working on the sequels to In Dreams... Due for release in 2014.

I have a mind that is easily distracted and prone to wandering. Tangents are my forte, and if you think my characters are going to fit a cookie cutter shape of any kind, think again. They live, they love, they eat, sleep and fuck. I believe that people are inherently sexual creatures and my characters be they human or something all together else are no exception.

I don't adhere to a single genera, I toe the line on several and wouldn't presume to be a master of any. So I suppose you could call me jack-of-all-trade-paperbacks.

I am a truth seeker, in my life, in my work. I’d apologize for it, but I kinda can't help m’self. It's my best and worse personality trait, well mostly, being Bi-Polar I guess you could say that is the worse. But I believe that the disorder has made me, well... Me.

I have taken this life and twisted, carved, shaped and molded it in to the worlds of my characters. Albeit with a chainsaw, and it has made all the difference

A Writer’s Mind, More or Less
The 131 Preview Review
In Dreams... The Solitary Road

Dumped in a treacherous Arctic land, Amara Dagon must master her spell craft if she is to survive a year in exile, but fear, doubt and the loss of her family threatens to take hold. Can Amara gain control of her magic or will she succumb to it leaving her people in the hands of a dangerous tyrant? 


Q) What inspired you to write this story? 
I wrote In Dreams... The Solitary Road to serve as a companion novella to my first work In Dreams... The Road Unavoidable, published back in 2012. It was to supposed to be a short story that simply explained Amara Dagon my protagonist's background. A means to show how she came to be as she is in the 1st book. But as I continued to write, it took on its own life, as my work tends to do. This brought me to realize that the first work was simply a wee bit intimidating, finishing out at well over 400 pages... It got me to thinking that I had missed something in ending it as I had, so now I have gone back to the writing board and tweaked the first tale, making it the second in the series. Re-titling it In Dreams... The Unavoidable Road. Both of which are now available on I am current;y working on the third in the series. To be titled In Dreams... The Savage Road. The actual inspiration for the work? A combination of many different stimuli. From Video games and music to films, friends and Continental Drift Theory. It's my means of writing how I perceive the human condition in all its wants, needs pomps and glories.

Q) How long did it take you to write? 
It took me just under nine months to write. A huge difference to the first which took more than five years. I've been struggling with Bi-Polar I for many years, and with the help of a great psychologist and some hit and miss plays with medication, we have finally begun wrangling this thing in. In doing so I have been able to write more in the last year than I have in the almost decade prior.

Q) What is your favorite thing about writing?
My favorite thing about writing... Hmm... I think it's a split between the creation of worlds for people to envision and the research that goes into bringing a sense of reality into those same worlds. I believe that there needs to be some root. Some anchor to the realities of this world in order for us as readers to get lost inside the world created by authors for us. The needs to be something real to hold on to, to connect with, something familiar in an unfamiliar world.

Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing? 
Writer's Block

Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?
I can't really answer that. Seems every celebrity has their issues, and I wouldn't trade my own for any of theirs... I would just like to see a wee bit of success in this life that's mine. To know that my work was enjoyed by another... That's worth more to me than fame, or fortune... Ah hell who am I kidding... I don't wan to be famous, I wan to me Infamous... *snickers* Bwahahaha...

Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it? 
I just cleaned my fridge actually so noting is old anymore. :)

Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
Insanity, more Reviews on my blog The 131 Preview Review, a new venture in Art as I begin with my partner in crime Author Eri Nelson with Yeson Designs our venture into Painted Book Covers. The Third installment to the In Dreams... Franchise in 2014, as well as Rapture, the Sequel to Awakenings The Wrath Saga, penned with friend and Author Will Van Stone Jr. And so much more!

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