The Brazen Amazon by Sandy James‏

Sandy lives in a quiet suburb of Indianapolis with her husband of thirty years and is a high school social studies teacher. She and her husband own a small stable of harness racehorses and enjoy spending time at the two Indiana racetracks.

The Alliance of the Amazons urban fantasy series from Carina Press has premiered with book 1, The Reluctant Amazon, book 2, The Impetuous Amazon, and book 3, The Brazen Amazon. The series concludes with book 4, The Volatile Amazon, in September.

Look for a new contemporary romance series from Grand Central Forever Yours in 2013/2014!

Twitter ID: @sandyjamesbooks

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Zach Hanson is a tech wizard, capable of creating and improving gadgets... including remote nuclear warhead launchers. But he's always known that he's destined for something more, something greater, something...supernatural.

Powerful Air Amazon Gina Himmel is one of four sisters called to protect the world from those who would do it harm. Demigods in league with an Ancient have been taking over the bodies of leaders in the military and technological sectors, and Gina is sent to San Francisco to watch over Zach.

Under Gina's protection, Zach is introduced to a world of ancient deities, rogue gods and the bold, brazen Amazons who keep humanity safe. Amidst the whirlwind of battle, Zach and Gina discover a love that could give them the power to save the world...or destroy it.

Q) What inspired you to write this story?
The Alliance of the Amazon series was the first where I set out to write a genre other than straight romance. I chose urban fantasy because of a trend I saw in my stories.

All my other books are contemporary romance, yet I noticed supernatural elements beginning to slip into the storylines. In Free Falling, Laurie Miller is an empath. Seemed like fun since she was a psychologist. In All the Right Reasons, Jozsa Kovachs has a familiar intuition that helps guide her through the rocky relationship with Lucas Mitchell, a man “damaged” by his time serving our country in Iraq. I go full-blown supernatural with Faith of the Heart by making Sarah Reid a faith healer.

So I sat down with my favorite muse—my son Kevin—and we designed the world of the Amazons. Once I started writing urban fantasy, it became my “crack.” I love being in charge and making the world everything I can possibly imagine it to be. I suppose from now on I’ll be alternating between urban fantasy and contemporary romance, and I hope my fans follow me in both genres. So far, my readers seem receptive to my books. (Thanks, everyone!! Love you!!)

Q) How long did it take you to write?
Because I’m a teacher, finding time to write is often difficult. On a typical school day, I come home, walk Dr. Carter—my Schnauzer—and then answer emails and catch up on Twitter and Facebook. After supper, I write until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. The Brazen Amazon was a fairly typical book for me. Took me about three months during a school year to write it. Thank the Lord for summer breaks! That’s when I fly through stories!

Q) What is your favorite thing about writing?
I love creating new characters, giving them their traits, their likes and dislikes, and their foibles. It’s fun to be able to give literary birth to a new human being, and I try to make those characters as “real” as I can.

Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing?
Sometimes I find that I have a really good idea in my head, but when I sit down with the laptop, the words become agonizing to write. So I guess the hardest thing—which makes it my least favorite as well—is putting new words down. Once I start tweaking and editing, I’m fine!

Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?
I would love to be Bill Gates, not because of who he is but because of the resources at his fingertips. I would spend my twenty-four hours as Bill Gates directing as much of the Microsoft fortune to great causes as I possibly could.

Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
A bottle of pink champagne from my wedding, which dates it at 1983. Yikes. It’s probably vinegar by now! I just can’t bring myself to throw it away. Far too much sentimental value. Hard to believe Jeff and I hit our thirtieth anniversary this year—and one of us hasn’t killed the other yet.

Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
The final installment of the Alliance of the Amazons will be Sarita’s story—The Volatile Amazon. It will be released by Carina Press in September.

In February, my first Grand Central Forever Yours contemporary romance releases. It’s the first in the Ladies Who Lunch series, and the working title is The Bottom Line. The series revolves around four women learning about themselves and growing to expand beyond their small-town lives. I have some yummy heroes for my ladies! The second book will be out in September of 2014, and the working title is Signed, Sealed, Delivered. That’s the book I’m working on at the moment, and I’m very close to “The End.”

My agents have two potential series out on submission right now—two urban fantasy proposals. Hopefully, I’ll have good news about them soon!

Thanks so much for letting me stop by on my Brazen Amazon blog tour!!
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