Lucid by Natalie Roers‏

A veteran writer, voice artist, and on-air personality, Natalie Roers has been the host of hit radio and television shows in just about every region of the United States.

She also owns her own voice-over business where she creates everything from songs and ringtones to commercials and sound effects for clients around the globe.

A journalist by trade, Natalie is excited to venture into the world of fiction and hopes to raise money and social awareness for worthy causes with each book she writes. She lives with her husband Cory, and son Austin, in Columbia, South Carolina.

Disfigured at birth and ostracized at school, Travis Hunter dreams of acceptance and secretly yearns for the affection of a beautiful young woman named Corrine. When a mysterious doctor promises to help Travis through something called lucid dreaming, Travis gets more than he ever bargained for and soon finds himself learning the secrets of love and life in a fantastic unconscious world.

Chapter excerpt:

Q) What inspired you to write this story?
I daydreamed this story idea while riding in my car maybe five years ago and then one day, years later, I just sat down and started writing it. It deals with empathy and the struggles of everyday people- maybe I felt there was a need in the world at that moment and that’s why I sat down and started writing.

Q) How long did it take you to write?
That’s a hard question to answer since I had to re-write it so many times, but the initial draft probably took about eight months or so, I guess.

Q) What is your favorite thing about writing?
Dialogue! Daydreaming fights and love scenes and then putting them down on paper- doesn’t get better than that!

Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing?

Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why?
Probably one of the voices on a hit animated television series. You get the money, have a fun job, but maintain a certain level of anonymity. I experienced a certain level of fame as a local media celebrity and the “fame” aspect of certain jobs is not nearly as fun as people imagine it to be. It’s really quite isolating.

Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it?
Yogurt is one of those healthy items you always pick up and intend to eat, but ends up sitting there a really long time.

Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
I’m about halfway through an adult psychological thriller called Beneath Them. It is about a young man with schizophrenia who moves into the crawl space under the home of a happy, young suburban couple.

Thank you so much for hosting me! I also wanted to mention that a portion of every dollar I make on this book will be donated to anti-bullying organizations. Anything anyone could do out there to help me spread the word would be wonderful!

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