April is a HUGE month for me. I have 4 books coming out.
1. Mr. Chocolate and the Magic Js (children's, eTreasures, April 1) - under the pen name J.D. Pooker
2. Wucaii (adult, Muse it Up Publishing, date unknown)
3. The Ifs (middle grade, Little Devil Books, April 23) - under the pen name J.D. Pooker
4. There's a Monster in Mommy's Tummy (children's, eTreasures, April 29) - under the pen name J.D. Pooker
To celebrate, I am having a month-long giveaway!
Each week, I will give away a gift certificate for the publisher that is putting out a book, with the exception of the one week when I will give away copies of my story "The History of My Wishes."
You will also be able to sign up for a grand prize drawing that will occur at the end of the month (May 4th to be exact, since Tummy doesn't come out until the 29th), which will be a copy of the book you sign up for.
Starting next Monday, watch for instructions on how to sign up for the weekly prizes and the month-end giveaway.
Let's PARTY!