Man! I can't believe it's Friday all ready. This week has flown by. It helps that I've been busy at work and going through a life-changing experience. However, that's left very little time for writing.
I signed and mailed the contract for the Code Z anthology. My story is entitled "Anticipating Death." I'm not sure when the book is supposed to come out, but you know I will let you know. I'm very excited about this collection. There are a lot of wonderful authors, and I get to be in a collection with Eric S. Brown. Very exciting stuff!
I wrote two beginning sentences for a new short story. It's been knocking around my head since Launch Pad, so I thought I'd take a bit of time and write it down. I should've been working on the serial killer article, and I did do a little research, I just haven't written anything. After the craziness dies down this weekend, I'll be able to get back on track next week. I'll have to. It will be the only thing that keeps me sane!
The boys went back to daycare on their regular schedule this week, which means they've been more tired than normal. And grumpier. One day, after picking them up, the 4 year old was in a particularly special mood, and he asked me what was for dinner. I told him (I don't remember what it was).
"I don't like that," he tells me. "I want something else."
"I'm not offering something else," I said. "If you don't like what I make, you don't have to eat it."
"Fine," he retorts. "You're fired. Do you know what that means? It means you don't get your job back, ever!"
How do you respond to that? I replied the only way I could think of: "Good. I'm glad I'm fired. Now you can make your own dinner."
"Well...maybe you can have your job back."
I guess the prospect of making his own dinner was more than he could handle. Or maybe he just realized I'm a little more important than he originally imagined.
I hope this weekend someone discovers your importance and let's you know! Have a good one!