I finished my read through and edit of the "romance" story I told you I was working on last week. It's not bad. It might be a little boring, but I didn't feel nauseous after reading it. I sent it to some readers, so I will see what their reactions are.
I finished chapter 4 of the sequel and started chapter 5. That's coming along pretty well, which is exciting. I feel like once I get this out of the way, I can move on to other things. Technically, I can work on other things right now, but then I feel guilty for not finishing this. Why? I don't know. I mean, the first one isn't even out. I guess it's just a quirk! My goal is to have it done by the end of the year. Keep your fingers crossed that it happens!
I also finished my article on serial killers and slasher films. I have a few more edits to make, then it's out of my hands. There's no guarantee that the people will accept it, but at least it will be done!
Phew! I've been busy this week! I felt like I was slacking, but when I lay it all out, I accomplished quite a bit. That makes me feel pretty good!
I have no funny story involving my kids for you this week. Their schedule was messed up because of family being in town, so they were very tired. Hopefully they'll do something cute in the future! I hope you all have a great weekend!