First of all, if you can't get enough of reading what I write, you can check out my guest blog on Tonia Brown's blog (my stupid computer at home won't let me add links. I have no idea why. Anyway, you can access it here:
I would also like to remind you all that my radio show is this weekend. It airs at 4 pm Mountain time or 6 pm Eastern (for the rest of you, you'll just have to figure it out!). If you miss it, there will be an archived recording. You can access it here:
OK. Onto my progress. I am 5-10 pages away from being done with the main body of my nonfiction book. I took today off work so I can write (I just love flexible schedules!). I WILL have it done by the end of the day, and I'm also hoping to get some editing of the previous chapters done.
I'm very excited about this. I don't know what I'm going to do without the project looming over my shoulder. Wait, yes I do!
I hope you all have a wonderfully productive weekend. I have to get to work!