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Geneva Chilton, warned against human contact, betrays her family in order to be close to the world she longs to join. Intrigued by an artist's work and his ability to capture life on canvas, Geneva steps too close to the boundaries and discovers love, but what price will she have to pay?
Lewis Hunt, intrigued by Geneva's beauty and determined to capture it on canvas, discovers he needs more. Lewis needs the real woman behind the beauty. His course leads him to her, but also to danger. How hard is he willing to fight for a woman of darkness, a vampire?
Cher is a fellow author with eTreasures publishing. Both of our stories appear in the Brides and Dark Secrets Series, along with "Ketchikan Man" by Ciara Lake. I had the pleasure of editing both stories, so I can tell you they're good! Check them out when you get the chance, and don't forget to order mine!
Q) What inspired you to write this story?
Theme would be the inspiration for Seduced by Darkness. eTreasures Publishing requested a Dark Bride story, so my mind went to work. Geneva presented herself from the beginning - the dark, sexy vampire who longs for love. Lewis also came quickly, the painter, longing to escape his own sort of darkness. Honestly, everything else fell into place as I moved from scene to scene.
Q) How long did it take you to write?
Two weeks total, but this was with a deadline to meet. It's amazing how different writing is when someone else is waiting on the results.
Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
You never know where the wind might blow me. I'm currently working on a story about a woman who's forgotten her past and her ability to see ghosts. When faced head on by both, she also finds herself face to face with death.
Q) Where can readers find you?
www.chergreen.com, chergreen.blogspot.com, and tarotbycher.blogspot.com